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Hello, I have a process to load million of data from one snowflake table to another snowflake table (possibly from different Databases within Snowflake due to security and sensitive data). Both the source and the target table has almost 300 column...
I have an issue with an infinite loop in pagination. API Server returns a next URI which matches the previous URI. It can happen on any pages. For example, HTTP client fetched 10 pages but the page 10 contains the next URI which matches the previous ...
Hi,I am executing a query using PostgreSQL - Execute, and getting the below output. I am not able to map it in mapper.[{"item_id": {"UUID": "024b0ca1-96ae-4c9c-be26-21990a46e684"},"active": true,"title": "NEW","description": null,"file_id": null,"fil...
Hello all,I'm using a HTTP snap to get a list of tasks in a given project, and by default the server returns maximum 100 items per call. To get the items above 100, the endpoint has a query parameter "skip" that offsets the number of items to skip to...
Hi,I have certain observations while running a pipeline with SQS snap as trigger.1. On startup, pipeline reads all available messages from sqs and hold them in buffer and process them as per concurrency2. There is no mechanism to control the speed at...
Hi Snaplogic experts, my pipeline is creating one big CSV file (50k rows) as the result. Collegues asked me, if it is possible to split this big CSV file into smaller ones (create csv files with thousand rows)My question is, how to make more csv fil...
How can I parse a string in an object to Date?eg. Date.parse($vendorBill.tranDate, "dd-MM-YYYY") gives me NaNHow would I parse this correctly to return the date in the $vendorBill.string object please?