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Employee Journey: Employee Data Management: Box Folder Management

Former Employee

This pattern is part of the Employee Data Management solution of the Employee Journey.

Created by SnapLogic in conjunction with partner Eljun, LLC

This pattern looks for active users within Workday that were updated within the last two hours and pulls employee files into their corresponding sub-folders, using the file structure created from the Box Folder Management pipeline.

In this solution, the parent directory for employee files is divided into “Active” and “Terminated” folders. Under each of these subfolders is a series of sub-folders A-Z (representing the first letter of each employee last name). The actual Employee File Folder is then found within the appropriate alphabetical subfolder with a naming convention “EmployeeID_LastName_FirstName”. Additional sub folders are created within each employee folder, each representing a functional category of documents that the HR unit may want to capture such as performance, expenses, and training.


Get Employee Files

With this pipeline, for active users updated in Workday within the last 2 hours, determine what information from the Workday Get_Workers object to include, then:

  • kick off the Box_Folder_Management pipeline
  • get the user’s active status, employee name, and ID from Workday
  • get the user’s Jobvite candidate information
  • get the user’s 7Geese information and write it to the user’s Performance sub folder.
  • get the user’s Skilljar information and write it to the user’s Training sub folder.
  • get the user’s Docusign information
  • get the user’s Expensify information and write it to the user’s Expenses sub folder.
    Screen Shot 2021-04-26 at 1.34.28 PM

Applications in use: Workday, Box, Jobvite, 7Geese, Skilljar, Docusign, Expensify


This pipeline creates a folder structure within Box to store relevant data for a new hire, moves it to a separate location when an employee leaves, or archives the termination folders if the employee is rehired. In the case where an employee leaves the company, their folders are moved to the Terminated folder. If a person is re-hired, their Terminated folders are archived.

Box Folder Management

Applications in use: Box
Snaps used: Mapper, Pipeline Execute, Router, Union, JSON Splitter, Box File Operations, Exit, Filter, Copy, Join, JSON Formatter, File Writer, Box Directory Browser, Tail


This pipeline checks to see if the requested folder already exists, and if not, creates it.

Applications in use: Box
Snaps used: Box Directory Browser, Group by N, Mapper, Join, Sequence, Router, Box Add Folder, Union


Use this pipeline to read a file from the SnapLogic Platform and write it to a users Box folder.

Screen Shot 2021-04-26 at 1.17.55 PM

Applications in use: Box
Snaps used: Directory Browser, Filter, File Reader, Box Write


Get Employee Files.slp (127.1 KB)
Box_Folder_Management.slp (71.9 KB)
Check_and_Create_Folder.slp (19.6 KB)
Push_File_to_Box.slp (7.7 KB)

See Also

Diane Miller