07-20-2023 07:10 AM
I need to change the file location for about 100 files. Is there a faster way to change the smb location other than giong into the file writer snaps for all 100?
07-20-2023 07:14 AM
Hello @heidi.andrew,
In such a case you might consider using the Directory Browser Snap and File Writer then File Delete, since I think that the File Operation Snap does not support operations on files on SMB.
Let me know if this helps you.
07-20-2023 07:46 AM
file delete does not work with smb. smb is my only choice for file writer. i want to change the file names for all of these files…
07-20-2023 12:50 PM
Alternatively you can use Multi File Reader snap to read the files from source folder and use File Writer snap to write to a new location. You can replace the source folder with the target folder while writing the file. Finally, delete the files from source folder
07-21-2023 04:17 AM
i will still have to go in to every file writer snap. is there a way to use a pipeline parameter to look for company id and the current quarter in order to name the files?