03-09-2022 11:03 PM
I went through blog post on implementing CI/CD for snaplogic pipelines. Please refer to the following links.
End-to-end pipeline automation and governance (Part 1 of 2) | SnapLogic
End-to-end pipeline automation and governance (part 2 of 2) | SnapLogic
I could not find the sample pipelines shown up in the blog post or snaplogic video. Can you please help me sending those pipeline (slp files)?
03-14-2022 12:30 AM
You may want to look at this post: Git lab Integration - #11 by dmiller
while it’s not 1:1 the pipelines from the videos - they do serve well as a basis.
NB: while i’ve been using the pipelines in the post as basis - i do NOT use them as is, but did quite some changes and enhancements (for example extracting login information into parameters).