12-12-2017 11:40 AM
Has anyone been able to format multiple input fields into XML in a pipeline that will be executed via an Ultra task?
I attached a screenshot of my pipeline.
In the highlighted XML Format snap, if I clear the Root Element field (as required by the instructions for building an Ultra pipeline), I get an error when it runs; it appears it needs a root element in which to place my many input fields. However, when I add a Root Element of “DocumentRoot” to that snap… the pipeline fails when run by Ultra.
I conclude that we cannot format multiple inputs into XML when run via Ultra… but I’m hoping there is some other way to accomplish my goal.
My overall need is… I capture whatever (it can vary alot) JSON elements are input to me, store them in an XML field in our SQL Server database, to be retrieved/parsed later.
Thanks in advance - David.
12-14-2017 04:10 PM
By ‘multiple inputs’, do you mean there are multiple input documents that you want to combine into a single XML document? In other words, the two SQL snaps to the left the XML Formatter are generating multiple output documents and you want to merge those into a single XML doc? If so, you are correct that that is not directly supported in the top-level ultra pipeline. Instead, you’ll need to put those snaps in a child pipeline and use PipelineExecute to do a local execution of the child. So, the child will execute the SQL queries and then generate the XML doc that is the response.
12-15-2017 06:45 AM
T, thanks for responding!
No, not separate documents input. Just multiple fields.
Here is a screenshot of my input JSON…
… an here is my errored XML Format snap.
“IncidentDescription” is my second field on the input side. ☹️
12-15-2017 07:09 AM
Ha… I figured it out.
The error said to verify that the document is XML convertible… so I played around with my mapping in the preceding Mapper snap.
I added a common root to call of my fields… “1.”… and that satisfied the XML Formatter snap.
Its always simple once you know what to do. 😉 Regards - David.