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Help Using Group By!

New Contributor

Dear Community

I need your help with understanding the group by in the attached simple pipeline.

I am supplying the Json data and sorting and grouping it by ID as in the picture but for each Group, i.e. ID. Then I need to first determine if a type of address exists e.g. “BUS” business or “RES” residential and then transform, e.g. via a mapper, to output both the business and residential addresses to Mapper variables $Business and $Residential output as one document/record

Thank you very much for your help in advance,
Andre M

JsonSAMPLE groupBy_Sample


Hi tstack,

In the group if I have a date field and I wanted to get the record with the latest date returned, how would I do that?

match $group {
[…, { EndDate: “2019-8-31”, Value }, …] => Value

Many thanks

Can you clarify a couple of things:

  • Are the date fields strings or Date objects?
  • Are the elements of $group already sorted by date?

New Contributor

Hi tstack

Thank you for the reply. I need to get a solution for this. The date fields are strings and they are sorted descending before i did the group by via JDBC execute. A sample of the json just after the group by is shown below. I am grouping by “POL_ID” then “CVG_NUM” but I need to return ONLY the first record in each group i.e. with the latest date. How can I do this please??


If you just need the first element of the group, you can index it directly, like so:


If you’re wanting to deconstruct it with a match expression, you can match the first element by making a pattern like the following:

match $group {
    [{ CO_ID, FIA_EFF_DT }, …] => CO_ID + " " + FIA_EFF_DT

When writing a pattern for match, write something that looks like the thing you’re trying to match and use ... as a wildcard. So, the above pattern will match an array with at least one object element that has the given properties.