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Is it possible to capture the name of the task that executed a pipeline at runtime?

New Contributor III

We often send an email in our pipelines have certain errors, and we also have a lot of Tasks that drive the same pipeline(s) but with different params.

So it would be very helpful if when could send the name of the Task that started a failed pipeline within the email, making triage much more expedient and perhaps easier.

Is there and expression function/property that yields information about the Task? I may be missing something in the docs, but I have failed to find anything close.



New Contributor III

Have you thought of adding a “Task” parameter and putting the name of the task in it?

New Contributor III

We’ve considered that but are trying to avoid the amount of “retrofit” it would take to complete that, even incrementally.

A built-in mechanism is preferred.


New Contributor III

Have you tried the Snaplogic API using rest API? You can specify state as scheduled/triggered and an email snap for notification or write it to cloud for logging purpose.

New Contributor III

I have the same request.

Is it possible to get the task name that was used to start a pipeline?

New Contributor II

Same request also. Would be helpful to be get the task name.