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Null Safe access option for object value reference in JSON Generator snap?

New Contributor II


I’m trying to reference a value from the input object in the JSON Generator snap. The property is optional in the upstream snaps. If I straight reference it, I’ll get an “Invalid JSON-Path field not found” error.

Is there a similar way to the use “null-safe access” option like in the mapper snap in the JSON Generator snap?
Is there a way to use the $.get() method in the JSON Generator snap? I keep getting syntax errors.

Below is my property reference:

This fails:


Contributor III

Like Patrick, I was also thinking Velocity (VTL) as a solution, but as I tried to solution your original post, the Workday namespace convention in the property names adds some complexity. I don’t know if Velocity beats the null-safe mapper for your particular use case, but it can be good info for your tool belt in the future.

The kind of ugly solution I came up with (in a one-liner) is:

       "output" : #set ($pd = $['wd:Project_Data']) #set ($ed = $pd['wd:End_Date']) #if (${ed}) ${ed} #else null #end

I’m not well versed in VTL, so there’s likely something a little cleaner than the above.

View solution in original post


New Contributor II

@del, really appreciate the working example, thank you! Like you mention, I don’t think VTL outweighs putting in a mapper snap, but really glad to learn about VTL as a tool for potential future solutions. I guess I’ll have to read up on that a bit. Thank you for the start!