01-29-2018 02:19 AM
hi all,
I m trying to use gson in my script snap by importing the package. but its giving me an error. so does snaplogic support external packages in their script snap apart from standard ones like java.util etc.
05-23-2019 11:18 AM
Thanks Sriram.
What If SnapLogic is running completely on Cloud ?
05-23-2019 12:25 PM
Running a script, that leverages Java / Jython libraries is only an option if your organization runs a Groundplex and is not an option on a Cloudplex.
06-07-2019 01:15 PM
Even when I copy the jars to both the ground nodes, still I am unable to import any methods from the jar. Does jar has to be on specific location ?
06-19-2019 01:58 PM
The JAR files can be loaded into a location that can be accessed by the SnapLogic (JCC) process. As an example, assets kept under /opt/snaplogic/… can be accessed/read by the JCC process by default.