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Custom Snap Pack versioning is broken?


I have a custom snappack (version = 1, sl_build = 42) deployed in my organization’s shared folder that is in used by multiple projects. I have developed a completely rewritten version of the snappack (version = 2, sl_build = 1) that I have deployed in my personal project (projects/Robert Patrick).

I created a brand new pipeline (also in my personal project space) after deploying the new version of the snappack. Unfortunately, the pipeline is using the version 1 snap instead of the version 2 snap. What am I doing wrong? How do I build a pipeline that uses the version 2 snap?




I’ve been testing this using a new snap pack created with our maven archetype.

I’ve been successfully able to update the version number and get the behavior you expect, where the new version just replaces the old one.

However, there are number of places where the version and build numbers need to match:

  1. The VERSION property in the <properties> section of the pom. You’ve changed this to 2.
  2. The sl_build property in the <properties> section. You’ve changed this to 1, correct?
  3. The <version> at the top of the pom should be VERSION-sl_build, so in your case 2_1.
  4. The VERSION in the config/directives file should be 2.
  5. The @Version annotations on all of the snaps and accounts should have snap = 2.

Can you please verify all of that?

Also, after uploading the new zip file, you need to refresh the Designer tab in your browser so that the catalog is reloaded. You’ll see the old version number if you don’t do that. I assume you refreshed.


@ptaylor I can confirm all of this. I am able to see the new version of the snap but it seems like I am still picking up the old version’s custom account… ☹️

Ok, I hadn’t tested an account yet. Let me try that…

Hmm, I’m not able to reproduce that. In my test, I just went from 4_2 to 5_1 and I see the expected updated FQID on both snaps and the account that I had previously created with the older version.

Can you please clarify exactly what you mean by “I am still picking up the old version’s custom account”? Is the FQID not what you expect? The account settings UI? The account’s behavior?