In order for SnapLogic’s Snaplex application to be able to read and write data to your Amazon Redshift cluster, we need allow external connection from the SnapLogic IP addresses for inbound access.
- Open the Clusters page within the Amazon Redshift console and choose the cluster you wish to integrate with.
- Click the “Properties” tab:

- In the “Network and security” section, click the “Edit publicly accessible” button and change it to be “Enabled” (if not already).

- Click the link to the security group for the cluster:

- Under the “Inbound rules” tab, click the “Edit inbound rules” button and add the following entries, clicking the “Add Rule” button after each one (you may customize the Description column value as you see fit):
Redshift TCP 5439
Redshift TCP 5439
Redshift TCP 5439
Redshift TCP 5439
Redshift TCP 5439
Redshift TCP 5439

- SnapLogic should now be able to connect to your Redshift cluster directly. If you experience any issues, follow the Amazon Redshift documentation for assistance, or please do contact us at