I have an API I need to call where the pagination is housed entirely within the request entity and not in the URL/parameters.
E.g. Page 1 would look like:
{"recordsPerPage": 100, "currentPage": 1, "deltaTimestamp": <yesterday>, "startTimestamp": ""}
and Page 2 would look like:
{"recordsPerPage": 100, "currentPage": 2, "deltaTimestamp": <yesterday>, "startTimestamp": <value returned in page 1 response.metatada.startTimestamp>}
The responses include the following metadata:
{ "metadata": { "currentPage": 1, "lastPage": false, "pageCount": 2, "recordCount": 894, "recordsPerPage": 500 } }
Since recursion is supposed to be avoided, I would like to know how to make the subsequent calls using the pagination features if possible.