03-21-2018 12:53 PM
While SnapLogic’s REST OAuth account supports only OAuth 2.0, it does not work with Marketo’s OAuth implementation. To work with Marketo, you must authenticate manually using the REST Get Snap. In this pipeline, we pass the credentials in as pipeline parameters.
Note: This method does expose your credentials in the pipeline.
To simplify the process, define the following pipeline parameters
Add a REST Get Snap (labeled Marketo Login here) and configure as follows:
For Service URL, toggle on the Expression button ( = ) and set the field to: _url + '/identity/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=' + _clientID + '&client_secret=' +_clientKey
Remove the input view.
Validate the Snap and it will a return a response that contains an access_token and scope.
In this example, we follow the REST Get with a Mapper Snap to map the token outside of the array.
In subsequent Snaps, we pass this token as a header, rather than a query parameter because it simplifies paged operations such as Get Lead Changes. Here’s an example of a simple call which does this.
_url + '/rest/v1/activities/types.json'
‘Bearer ‘ + $accessToken
When you get to more complex operations, such as getting lead changes, you need to make two API calls: the first creates a paging token, and the second uses the paging token typically with the paging mechanism enabled in our REST GET Snap.
In this REST Get Snap (renamed Get Paging Token for clarity) is where you specify the query parameters. For instance, if you want to get lead changes since a particular date, you’d pass that in via “sinceDateTime”. The example provided uses a literal string, but could be a pipeline parameter or ideally one of a Date objects formatted to match what Marketo expects.
_url + '/rest/v1/activities/pagingtoken.json'
When calling Get Leads (via a REST GET Snap), a few things to bear in mind:
You need to pass “nextPageToken” as a query parameter, along with the fields you want back. Ideally, the list of fields should be in a pipeline parameter because they appear twice in this configuration.
The leads will be returned in $entity.result, which is an array. This field will not exist if there are no results, so you need to enable “Null safe” on a Splitter Snap after this REST Get.
Paging expressions for the REST Get Snap are:
$entity.moreResult == true
'%s/rest/v1/activities/leadchanges.json?nextPageToken=%s&fields=firstName,lastName'.sprintf( _url, $entity.nextPageToken )
Marketo throttles API calls. Their documentation says “100 API calls in a 20 second window”. Since our REST Snap paging now includes an option to wait for X seconds or milliseconds between requests, use it whenever you are retrieving paginated results.
Marketo REST.slp (14.7 KB)
06-28-2021 04:40 PM
The Get Leads looks exactly the same as the screenshot above. It’s been awhile since I ran it so I need to check if the response is the same, so I need to check my credentials.
Updated: I am not seeing any authorization issues in my case. Do you have the permissions you need in Marketo to access everything?
06-29-2021 01:26 PM
@dmiller Got it. Issue was with single quote in bearer + access_token, it should be double quote and worked fine.