08-30-2018 10:14 AM
Created by @schelluri
The pipeline pattern flattens a JSON file, which has multiple objects, and turns it into a CSV file.
Sources: JSON Generator
Targets: CSV file
Snaps used: JSON Generator, JSON Formatter, JSON Parser, Script, CSV Formatter, File Writer
MS_Flatten_Script.slp (31.4 KB)
02-26-2019 12:28 PM
I don’t understand the behavior of CSV formatter snap here.
So normally, for snaps like file writer snap: it is one in one out: one document in, then one file out.
Why the CSV formatter snap does multiple documents in, only one document output out?
12-07-2023 09:29 AM
This worked for me. Thank you! Always running into flattened file issue when trying to save as csv after using Group snap to deduplicate records.