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Platform Administration Reference guide v2

Admin Admin


This document is a reference manual for common administrative and management tasks on the SnapLogic platform. It has been revised to include the new Admin Manager and Monitor functionality, which replace the Classic Manager and Dashboard interfaces respectively.

This document is for SnapLogic Environment Administrators (Org Administrators) and users involved in supporting or managing the platform components.

Ram Bysani
SnapLogic Enterprise Architecture team

Environment Administrator (known as Org Admin in the Classic Manager) permissions

There are two reserved groups in SnapLogic:

admins: Users in this group have full access to all projects in the Org.

members: Users in this group have access to projects that they create, or to which they are granted access. Users are automatically added to this group when you create them, and they must be a part of the members group to have any privileges within that Org.

There are two user roles:

Environment admins: Org users who can manage the Org. Environment admins are part of the admins group, and this role is named “Org Admin” in the classic Manager. 

Basic user: All non-admin users. Within an Org, basic users can create projects and work with assets in the Project spaces to which they have been granted permission. To gain Org administrator privileges, a Basic user can be added to the admins group.

The below table lists the various tasks under the different categories that an Environment admin user can perform:




  • Create and delete users.
  • Update user profiles.
  • Create and delete groups.
  • Add users to a group.
  • Configure password expiration policies.
  • Enable users’ access to applications (AutoSync, IIP)

When a user is removed from an Org, the administrator that removes the user becomes the owner of that user's assets.


User Management


  • Create and manage Project Spaces.
  • Update permissions (R, W, X) on an individual Project space and projects.
  • Delete a Project space.
  • Restore Project spaces, projects, and assets from the Recycle bin.
  • Permanently delete Project spaces, projects, and assets from the Recycle bin.
  • Configure Git integration and integration with tools such as Azure Repos, GitLab, and GHES.
  • View Account Statistics, and generate reports for accounts, projects, and pipelines within the project that use an account.
  • Upgrade/downgrade Snap Pack versions.


  • Set up alerts and notifications.
  • Set up Slack channels and recipients for notifications.



  • Create Groundplexes.
  • Manage Snaplex versions.
  • Update Snaplex settings.

Update or revert a Snaplex version.


  • Publish, unpublish, and deprecate APIs on the Developer portal.
  • Configure the Developer portal.
  • Approve API subscriptions and manage/approve user accounts.


API Management


  • Configure AutoSync user permissions.
  • Configure connections for data pipeline endpoints.
  • Create user groups to share connection configuration.
  • View information on all data pipelines in the Org.


AutoSync Administration

Table 1.0 Org Admin Tasks

SnapLogic Monitoring Dashboards

The enhanced Monitor interface can be launched from the Apps (Waffle) menu located on the top right corner of the page.

img_1_1.jpgThe enhanced Monitor Interface enables you to observe integration executions, activities, events, and infrastructure health in your SnapLogic environment. The Monitor pages are categorized under three main groups:

  • Analyze
  • Observe
  • Review

Reference: Move_from_Dashboard_to_Monitor
The following table lists some common administrative and monitoring tasks for which the Monitor interface can be used.


Monitor App page

  • Integration Catalog to fetch and display metadata for all integrations in the environment.

Monitor -> Analyze -> Integration Catalog
Reference: Integration Catalog

  • View of the environment over a time period.

Monitor -> Analyze -> Insights 
Reference: Insights

  • View pipeline and task executions along with statistics, logs, and other details.
  • Stop executions.
  • Download execution details.

Monitor -> Analyze -> Execution
Reference: Execution

  • Monitor and manage Snaplex services and nodes with graph views for a time period.

Monitor -> Analyze -> Infrastructure
Reference: Infrastructure

  • View and download metrics for Snaplex nodes for a time period.

Monitor -> Analyze -> Metrics
Monitor -> Observe -> API Metrics
Reference: Metrics, API-Metrics

  • Review Alert history and Activity logs.

Monitor -> Review
Reference:  Alert History, Activity Log

  • Troubleshooting Snaplex / Node / Pipeline issues.

Reference: Troubleshooting

Table 2.0 Monitor App features

Metrics for monitoring

CPU Consumption
  • CPU consumption can be high (and exceed 90% at times) when pipelines are executing. A high CPU consumption percentage when no pipelines are executing could indicate a high CPU usage by other processes on the Snaplex node.

Review CPU Metrics under the Monitor -> Metrics, and Monitor -> Infrastructure tabs.

Reference: CPU utilization metrics

System load average (For Unix based systems)
  • Load average is a measure of the number of processes that are either actively running on the CPU or waiting in line to be processed by the CPU. e.g. in a system with 4 virtual CPUs:
  • A load average value of 4.0 means average full use of all CPUs without any idle time or queue.
  • A load average value of >4.0 suggests that processes are waiting for CPU time.
  • A load average value of <4.0 indicates underutilization.

ramaonline_0-1727733727805.pngSystem load. Monitor -> Metrics tab.

Heap Memory

Heap memory is used by the SnapLogic application to dynamically allocate memory at runtime to perform memory intensive operations. The JVM can crash with an Out-of-Memory exception if the heap memory limit is reached. High heap memory usage can also impact other application functions such as pipeline execution, metrics collection, etc. The key heap metrics are listed in the table below:



Heap Size

Amount of heap memory reserved by the OS

This value can grow or shrink depending on usage.

Used heap

Portion of heap memory in use by the application’s Java objects

This value changes constantly with usage.

Max heap size

Upper heap memory limit

This value is constant and does not change. It can be configured by setting the jcc.heap.max_size property in the file or as a node property.


Heap memory. Monitor -> Metrics tab.

Non-heap memory consumption

The JVM reserves additional native memory that is not part of the heap memory. This memory area is called Metaspace, and is used to store class metadata. Metaspace can grow dynamically based on the application’s needs. Non-heap memory metrics are similar to heap memory metrics however there is no limit on the size of the non-heap memory. 

In a Snaplex, non-heap size tends to stay somewhat flat or grow slowly over longer periods of time.  Non-heap size values larger than 1 GiB should be investigated with help from SnapLogic support. Note that all memory values are displayed in GiB (Gibibytes).


Non-Heap memory. Monitor -> Analyze -> Metrics (Node)

Swap memory

Swap memory or swap space is a portion of disk used by the operating system to extend the virtual memory beyond the physical RAM. This allows multiple processes to share the computer’s memory by “swapping out” some of the RAM used by less active processes to the disk, making more RAM available for the more active processes.

Swap space is entirely managed by the operating system, and not by individual processes such as  the SnapLogic Snaplex. Note that swap space is not “extra” memory that can compensate for low heap memory. Refer to this document for information about auto, and custom heap settings. Reference: Custom heap setting. 
High swap utilization is an indicator of contention between processes, and may suggest a need for higher RAM.

Additional Metrics

Select the node from Monitor -> Analyze, and navigate to the Metrics tab. Review the following metrics.

Active Pipelines

Monitor the Average and Max active pipeline counts for specific time periods. Consider adding nodes for load balancing and platform stability if these counts are consistently high.


Active Pipelines. Monitor -> Analyze -> Metrics (Node)

Active Threads


Active threads. Monitor -> Analyze -> Metrics (Node)

Every Snap in an active pipeline consumes at least one thread. Some Snaps such as Pipeline Execute, Bulk loaders, and Snaps performing input/output can use a higher number of threads compared to other Snaps. Refer to this Sigma document on Snaplex Capacity Tuning Guide for additional configuration details.

Disk Utilization

It is important to monitor disk utilization as the lack of free disk space can lead to blocking threads, and can potentially impact essential Snaplex functions such as heartbeats to the Control Plane.


Disk utilization. Monitor -> Analyze -> Metrics (Node)

Additional Reference: Analyze Metrics. Download data in csv format for the individual Metrics graphs.

Enabling Notifications for Snaplex node events

Event Notifications can be created on the Manager (Currently in the Classic Manager) under Settings -> Notifications. The notification rule can be set up to send an alert about a tracked event to multiple email addresses. The alerts can also be viewed on the Manager under the Alerts tab. Reference: Notification Events 


Snaplex Node notifications

Telemetry Integration with third-party observability tools using OpenTelemetry (OTEL)

The SnapLogic platform uses OpenTelemetry (OTEL) to support telemetry data integration with third-party observability tools. Please contact your CSM to enable the Open Telemetry feature.

Reference: Open Telemetry Integration

Node diagnostics details

The Node diagnostics table includes diagnostic data that can be useful for troubleshooting. For configurable settings, the table displays the Maximum, Minimum, Recommended, and Current values in GiB (Gibibytes) where applicable. The values in red indicate settings outside of the recommended range. Navigate to the Monitor -> infrastructure -> (Node) -> Additional Details tab.



Node diagnostics table

Identifying pipelines that contribute to a node crash / termination

Monitor Page


Monitor -> Activity logs 

Filter by category = Snaplex.
Make note of the node crash events for a specific time period
Event name text: Node crash event is reported
Reference: Activity Logs

Monitor -> Execution

Select the execution window in the Calendar. Filter executions by setting these Filter conditions: Status: Failed

Node name: <Enter node name from the crash event>
Reference: Execution
Sort on the Documents column to identify the pipeline executions processing the most number of documents. Click anywhere on the row to view the execution statistics.
You can also view the active pipelines for that time period from the Monitor -> Metrics -> Active pipelines view.

Table 3.0 Pipeline execution review

Additional configurations to mitigate pipeline terminations

The below thresholds can be optimized to minimize pipeline terminations due to Out-of-Memory exceptions. Note that the memory thresholds are based on the physical memory on the node, and not the Virtual / Swap memory.

  • Maximum Memory %
  • Pipeline termination threshold
  • Pipeline restart delay interval

Refer to the table Table 3.0 Snaplex node memory configurations in this Sigma document for additional details and recommended values: Snaplex Capacity Tuning

Pipeline Quality Check API

The Linter public API for pipeline quality provides additional rules to provide complete reports for all standard checks, including message levels (Critical / Warning / Info), with actionable message descriptions for pipeline quality. Reference: Pipeline Quality Check

By applying the quality checks, it is possible to optimize pipelines, and improve maintainability. You can also use SnapGPT to analyze pipelines, identify issues, and suggest best practices to improve your pipelines. (SnapGPT_Analyze_Pipelines)

Other third party profiling tools

Third party profiling tools such as VisualVM can be used to monitor local memory, CPU, and other metrics. This document will be updated in a later version to include the VisualVM configurations for the SnapLogic application running on a Groundplex.

Java Component Container (jcc) command line utility (for Groundplexes)

The jcc script is a command-line tool that provides a set of commands to manage the Snaplex nodes. This utility is installed in the /opt/snaplogic/bin directory of the Groundplex node. The below table lists the commonly used arguments for the jcc script ( on Linux and jcc.bat on Windows). Note that the command would list other arguments (for example, try-restart). However, those are mainly included for backward compatibility and not frequently used.
$SNAPLOGIC refers to the /opt/snaplogic directory on Linux or the <Windows drive>:\opt\snaplogic directory on Windows servers. Run these commands as the root user on Linux and as an Administrator on Windows. 


sudo /opt/snaplogic/bin/ restart or c:\snaplogic\bin\jcc.bat restart





Returns the Snaplex status. The response string would indicate if the Snaplex Java process is running.



Starts the Snaplex process on the node.



Stops the Snaplex process on the node.



Stops and restarts the Snaplex process on the node.

Restarts both the monitor and the Snaplex processes.


Generates the diagnostic report for the Snaplex node.

The HTML output file is generated in the $SNAPLOGIC/run/log directory.

Resolve any warnings from the report to ensure normal operations.


Clears the cache files from the node. This command must be executed when the JCC is stopped.



Generates a new key pair and appends it to the keystore in the /etc/snaplogic folder with the specified alias. This command is used to rotate the private keys for Enhanced Account Encryption.

Doc reference:

Enhanced Account Encryption

The following options are available for a Groundplex on Windows server.



The jcc.bat install_service command installs the Snaplex as a Windows service.

The jcc.bat remove_service command removes the installed Windows service.

Run these commands as an Administrator user.

Table 4.0 jcc script arguments

Example of custom log configuration for a Snaplex node (Groundplex)

Custom log file configuration is occasionally required due to internal logging specifications or to troubleshoot problems with specific Snaps.

In the following example, we illustrate the steps to configure the log level of ‘Debug’ for the Azure SQL Snap pack. The log level can be customized for each node of the Groundplex where the related pipelines are executed, and will be effective for all pipelines that use any of the Azure SQL Snaps (for example, Azure SQL - Execute, Azure SQL - Update, etc.). Note that Debug logging can affect pipeline performance so this configuration must only be used for debugging purposes.

Configuration Steps

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 from this document:
    Custom log configuration

Note: You can perform Step 2 by adding the property key and value under the Global Properties section.img3.jpg

Key: jcc.jvm_options
Value: -Dlog4j.configurationFile=/opt/snaplogic/logconfig/log4j2-jcc.xml

The Snaplex node must be restarted for the change to take effect. Refer to the commands in Table 3.0.

b. Edit the log4j2-jcc.xml file configured in Step a.

c. Add a new RollingRandomAccessFile element under <Appenders>. In this example, the element is referenced with a unique name JCC_AZURE. It also has a log size and rollover policy defined. The policy would enable generation of up to 10 log files of 1 MB each. These values can be adjusted depending on your requirements.

<RollingRandomAccessFile name="JCC_AZURE"
                                fileName="${env:SL_ROOT}/run/log/${sys:log.file_prefix}jcc_azure.json"                                 immediateFlush="true" append="true"


<JsonLogLayout properties="true"/>
            <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="1 MB"/>
           <DefaultRolloverStrategy max="10"/>


d. The next step is to configure a Logger that references the Appender defined in step #c. This is done by adding a new <Logger> element. In this example, the Logger is defined with log level = Debug.

<Logger name="com.snaplogic.snaps.azuresql" level="debug" includeLocation="true" additivity="false">
            <AppenderRef ref="JCC_AZURE" />


The value for the name attribute is derived from the Class FQID value of the associated Snap.


 The changes to log4j2-jcc.xml are marked by the highlighted text in steps c and d. The complete XML file is also attached for reference. You can refer to the Log4j documentation for more details on the attributes or for additional customization.

Log4j reference

Debug log messages and log files

Additional debug log messages will be printed to the pipeline execution logs for any pipeline with Azure SQL Snaps. These logs can be retrieved from Dashboard.


{"ts": "2023-11-30T20:21:33.490Z", "lvl": "DEBUG", "fi": "", "msg": "JDBC URL: jdbc:sqlserver://;database=SL.TAP;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=false;hostNameInCertificate=*;authentication=sqlPassword;loginTimeout=30;connectRetryCount=3;connectRetryInterval=5;applicationName=SnapLogic (main23721) - pid-113e3955-1969-4541-9c9c-e3e0c897cccd, database server: Microsoft SQL Server(12.00.2531), driver: Microsoft JDBC Driver 11.2 for SQL Server(", "snlb": "Azure+SQL+-+Update", "snrd": "5c06e157-81c7-497f-babb-edc7274fa4f6", "plrd": "5410a1bdc8c71346894494a2_f319696c-6053-46af-9251-b50a8a874ff9", "prc": "Azure SQL

The updated log configuration would also write the custom JCC logs (for all pipelines that have executed the Azure SQL Snaps) to disk under the /opt/snaplogic/run/log directory. The file size for each log file and the number of files would depend on the configuration in the log4j2-jcc.xml file.


The changes to log4j2-jcc.xml can be reverted if the additional custom logging is no longer required.

Log level configuration for a Snaplex in Production Orgs

The default log level for a new Snaplex isDebug.’ This value can be updated to Infoin Production Orgs as a best practice.

The available values are:

  • Trace: Records details of all events associated with the Snaplex.
  • Debug: Records all events associated with the Snaplex.
  • Info: Records messages that outline the status of the Snaplex and the completed Tasks.
  • Warning: Records all warning messages associated with the Snaplex.
  • Error: Records all error messages associated with the Snaplex.

Reference: Snaplex logging
