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Hello, I am building an API that used PUT method to update a set of JSON data into my taget database. One of the contents of the PUT method is a boolean type that would receive ether a "true" or "false" and is a mandatory entity.I am using a Data Va...
Hello, I have a process where the files needed to be deleted from the SFTP folder after the files are copied and processed. At a given point of time there could be hundreds of files and after copying and processing these files, I have a separate pro...
Hello, I have a scenario where i use the Gate Snap and the output of the snap would be a empty array or list of entities in the array as shown below.If the array is empty, it would give output with "original" values ( i need this to take the values...
Hello, I have source data in XML format and all the column entities have "@" as a prefix. I am trying the following expression using "hasPath" function in a mapper to determine if the output of the file has data.$.hasPath('Extract.Locations.Location....
Hello, I am using the Multi file Reader Snap to copy the files from a SFTP source location and write into a Storage blob container.The process is to run every 30 mins to pick any file(s) that are available and write into a storage blob. There could ...
Thanks @hcherukuri for the solution. I was trying for an approach that would find if the file exists even before the process reaches the File Writer Snap. As mentioned in the other post, I was able to use the Gate Snap that basically would help attai...
@svatada. Thanks for the solution. yes it works with the escape character mentioned in the for both $.hasOwnProperty('[\'@ID\']') and $.hasPath('[\'@ID\']').
@Aleksandar_A In the solution, you provided above, If the Bulk Load failed, I don't want the JOIN-WAIT snap to bring the $Original values in its output. The only time i need the $Original values are if the Bulk load is successful.