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We have tightened up our bucket policy and specified AES256 as our server side encryption. As a result our pipeline now fails.
Reason: You may not have access right to bucket: {bucketname}, detail: Access Denied
Resolution: Check for valid bucket na...
In the UI, when I expand the expression builder window, I no longer see the output preview. I think something must have happened when I changed a display setting, but I can no longer see this helpful tool. Is there a way to reset and get it back?
I have an array of custom fields (identified by @scriptId) and values returned from NetSuite. I’d like to select the value where the script id is equal to a particular name, for example, ‘custentity_topogname’. Can anyone shed some light on the sub...
Any thoughts on how to replace control characters in a string?
I was going for $address2.replaceAll($address2.findCharCode(13),“”) or something like that. Any elegant solutions here? Is it possible to use a regular expression?
So I exported the pipeline and added the account to the slp file for most of the snaps. I then reimported and that seems to have gotten me beyond the issue.
Hi Mina. Currently getting this on one pipeline. I can escape out but I cannot enter a value in the account, so I cannot move forward. This is on an oracle lookup.
Yes, that would be great. When I listed the pipeline assets, it came back with a defaut_snaplex attribute so I figured I could somehow look that up and join it. But we really want to know what pipelines run on what snaplexes so that we can migrate ...