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Am trying to load large volumes of data from SQL Server to Amazon S3. If I use ‘SQL Server Select’ then it is taking way longer to extract a single big table. Is there a faster way to extract data from SQL server to Amazon S3. Using GroundPlex
I would like to execute the 2 set variable statements before executing the select * from viewname. This view internally uses VAR1 and VAR2 variables. set VAR1 = ‘ABC’; set VAR2 = ‘XYZ’; Select * from dbname.schemaname.viewname ; Is there anyway to s...
Using snowflake bulk load to load a big table. Got the error after extracting 43+ Millions rows from source and not inserted any rows in the target table. I have changed Buffer size from 10MB to 100MB but no luck. I am not sure what other settings ...
Snowflake Bulk Load is giving error Cannot find table : “schemaname”.“tablename”, reason=Table does not exist in the database, resolution=Ensure the provided table exists in the database. If I change use Snowflake Insert Snap in place of Snowflake Bu...
I have created a pipeline/task and called that using curl command and it is returning the document which is available in the last snap. I have added error pipeline to it. Called main pipeline/task using curl again. When there is no error it is ret...