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Hi , we have multiple files that are saved on SLDB in SnapLogic. Is it possible to filter the files for a certain period , for example from 01/12/2023 to 10/12/2023 ?
[ { “items”: [ { “test”: " ", “id”: 1 }, { “test”: “test”, “id”: 2 } ] } ] Currently we have an array like this , we need to route the output from the Router based on the test field , if there is a value the output should go to the upper branch if th...
Hi , currently we have an array that contains more then 100 elements , approximately 168. Is it possible with some transformation in the mapper to create another array that will contain the rest 68 elements ? We would have 1 array with 100 elements a...
Currently we have json data like this : { “Test”: “1” “SerialNumbers”: { “SerialNo”: [ “123”, “456” ] } The desired output is like this: { “Test”: “1” “SerialNumbers”: [ {“SerialNo”: “123”}, {“SerialNo”: “456”} ] } Is there any function we could use ...
While trying to connect to Azure MySql Database we are getting the following error: Failed to validate account: Failed to retrieve a database connection. Cause: The TCP/IP connection to the host port 3306 has failed. Error: "The driver received an un...