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Hi there, need some help transforming the arrayI have a structure that's coming as below[
"statusLine": {
"protoVersion": "HTTP/1.1",
"statusCode": 200,
"reasonPhrase": "OK"
"entity": {
"links": [
Hi there, I am trying to handle arrays within arrays and getting error. can someone please take a look at the attached pipeline and point out what’s wrong?
helpwithhandlingarray_2023_06_16.slp (7.8 KB)
Hi there, I am getting file data in base64 encoded. how do I get the file out of it?
to get file along with filename_2023_03_22.slp (373.8 KB)
Any help greatly appreciated.
Hi there, I have this structure json. I need to route the json based on attachment in below json, if exist or not
input json
"data": {
"po-number": "4501918519_2",
"order-lines": [
"id": {
hi thanks @Soni37,
Works like perfectly except for one thing, I need to add 2 static elements along with the text, I tried a few ways but was not able to add to it. can you point out on how to add that?