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Continuing the discussion from Stackoverflow – Snaplogic tag created:
@dmiller @cstewart
I have a strong feeling that no posts should be entertained outside of our community. We should keep our platform tightly knit so that any information is not ava...
Here is a pipeline that renames/moves to a different location on the same SFTP location.
This uses script snap.
SFTPMoveFileScript_2017_11_09.slp (8.2 KB)
Here is a simple pipeline that takes the pipeline name as a parameter and sends an alert-email when the running time is beyond a certain threshold(configurable via parameter)
monitor-long-running-jobs_2017_11_08.slp (10.3 KB)
If you ever face weird errors, try resetting your workspace by using the following URL.
init_ws basically initializes your workspace and resets it so you can start fresh.
Continuing the discussion from Request Body in Rest API Pipeline:
@tstack @dmiller
Can you guys take a look at this?
This request needs a Cookie to be sent across and authenticated via our REST POST snap.
I have tried the same request in SOAPUI and i...
Do something like the below steps.
In the Mapper - Errors.split(‘.’) - but it will not split when you have only one error. You need to come up with some logic there.add a JSON splitter and
split in on Errorsuse scalar parents checkbox or add the path...
There is no Chat feature but you can reach them via private message and add any number of members into that private conversation.
It is not realtime but you do get notifications.
It looks like a workday report. Click on Trust all Certificates. [ its not needed typically]
Content-Type is not required.
Can you just hardcode the URL and try and improvise on it later for an expression?
Also check which snaplex you are running.