User Activity

Hi all, currently, we are trying to build a pipeline that communicate with another API through REST. For authentication, we need to get the Bearer token through calling POST request to: {endpoint}/token, using Authorization OAuth1.0. On postman, the ...
Hi all, I’m having an issue while designing the mapping property with null value for my JSON object. For example I have a Mapper to map $input to $body with the expression like follow: {“my_id”: $input.Id, “my_name”: $input.Name, “my_address”: $input...
Hi all, currently we have a JSON with thousands of objects as following: {[ {id:1, Name: a}, {id:2, Name:b}, {id:3, Name:c}… ]} We tried to use the PostgreSQL - Bulk Load, snap to load data into our database. I would like to ask that do we need to do...
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