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I’m trying to create an expression library function that needs access to both the snap and pipe variables. Can these variables be accessed directly from within the expression library function or must they be passed in as parameters? Right now my fun...
Is it possible within SnapLogic to configure a pipeline to fail via a Snap but also to return a custom output back to the user (configured via a Mapper snap, e.g.) I have reviewed the video here: Framework: Error Handling & Retry Patterns and it appe...
Use-case: I would like to use version control to store my pipeline assets. Organizational restrictions prevent the use of Github for version control. Right now the dev process is to export pipelines from designer and commit them to version control ...
I have a single feedmaster + single groundplex setup: Currently there are 70 active (ultra) pipelines and the groundplex is consuming ~1400 threads. There are additional ultra pipelines that the system is trying to initialize. However, we are enco...
I have a pipeline that retrieve data from an external REST API, performs some data transformations and returns the resulting data. Part of the data transformations require looks that rely on the inbound payload so I have a copy snap to enable the loo...