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I wanted to perform a extend by performing a lookup using the expression library and it is giving me “this.comparator is undefined” error. Below is my expression Library Content: { embedbusinessUnit: x => x.extend({"Demo":this.comparator[0]}), embe...
When I am copying the pipeline from one project to another, the version information on the source project is not available in the target project space for the same pipeline. What is the best to way to copy/migrate the pipeline with version informatio...
I have a scenario as explained below: I have an expression library which is 176kb to compare with the static data(we have a performance issue with JSON Generator and then performing the join). Which needs to be accessible from the child pipeline whic...
I have the below input: “AT_Pricehash”: [ { "@TermsListID": "Test1", "ORGID":"1000", "@MinimumQuantity": 1 }, { "@TermsListID": "Test2", "ORGID":"1001", "@MinimumQuantity": 1 }, { "@TermsListID": "Test3", ...
I have created an expression library as below: { ‘DEPT’: { “EG” : “Engineering”, “HR” : “Human Resource”, “FIN” : “FInance” }, AddDescription : element => (element.filter(x=>x.sector==‘USA’).map(x=> x.extend({‘Description’:this.DEPT.get(x.deptId)}))....