User Activity

Hi, I have users grouped into groups and permissions to each of the project folders are assigned to groups. Is there a way to query the list of folders a user / group has access and the permissions they have? Best, Rajesh
Hi, I have a set of CSV files that I read from using a CSV Parser. Is there a way the CSV Parser can also output the name of the file. I have already thought of putting the CSVParser in a child pipeline and feed the name of the pipeline as a paramete...
Hi, I have a requirement to rename a file by appending the timestamp to its name, after processing it. Apart from the usual File-Reader+File-Writer(to file with new name)+File-Delete(to delete old file), is there a simpler way? Best, Rajesh
Hi, I have a pipeline where I need to send two sets of data streams union-ed a one record stream with static values (not a header but kind of acts like a heads-up column for the remaining records)a dynamic stream where the data is read from a data so...
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