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I'm using the following expression to parse date fields in an object. It works correctly. However, when I replace key.contains('date') with another string to compare, the expression returns null for the object.$attributes.mapValues((value,key) => key...
JSON Path Test_2023_03_28.slp (6.4 KB)
GOAL: Set up a mapper to write input document structure to new structure, deleting some paths, and renaming others.
ERROR: “Failure: Unable to write to JSON-Path: $.ACHData.employeeId, Reason: Expecting object f...
I’m trying to understand the documentation for the Array function toObject.
It uses [‘zero’, ‘one’, ‘two’].toObject((x, index) => index, x => x.contains(‘two’)) as an example, which returns {“0”: false, “1”: false, “2”: true}.
What does the (x, index...
I’m trying to pass a String into a Salesforce SOQL query formula. The String is created in an Aggregate snap, which concatenates Ids from records that were queried from another system, and a Mapper. The mapper restructures the string to conform to SO...
The Diff snap evaluates based on the exact values in each column of the incoming records. If a record exists in the Original and New inputs, but has a different data type in a field, then it will be evaluated as a Modification. For example, if a valu...
The functionality to execute the macros is in the Excel program, not the workbook where the macros are stored. SnapLogic doesn’t have an engine to extract, compile, and execute the VBA code within the workbook.
I figured this one out. You can’t add paths to null objects.
Since ACHData is null for the second record, it’s impossible to add ACHData.employeeId. If I reverse the order of the rows in the mapper then the result is that ACHData is null for the reco...
Thank you for your answer. I think I can narrow my question. ‘x’ and ‘index’ are not features of my object. They’re keywords for the expression interpretation. Are there other keywords? Why does the index expression need two parameters (x, index) and...
The Directory Browser uses GLOB, not Regex, but you can do similar searches. Multiple patterns can be used. They must be contained in brackets. For example the following will return ‘mamma mia.csv’ and ‘snaplogic.csv’:
{mamma mia.csv, snaplogic.csv}