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The Salesforce REST API can update up to 200 records be POST call. The Salesforce Update snap documentation says that it's implemented to only update 1 record at a time in REST mode. The Bulk API is asynchronous, even in serial mode. What is the best...
This pipeline is executed by a [Scheduled Task > Pipeline > HTTP Client > Triggered Task] regularly. This pipeline hasn't changed structure in months. Occasionally I will get an error that the Triggered Task failed with the error: Reason: HTTP Code: ...
I'm using the following expression to parse date fields in an object. It works correctly. However, when I replace key.contains('date') with another string to compare, the expression returns null for the object.$attributes.mapValues((value,key) => key...
JSON Path Test_2023_03_28.slp (6.4 KB)
GOAL: Set up a mapper to write input document structure to new structure, deleting some paths, and renaming others.
ERROR: “Failure: Unable to write to JSON-Path: $.ACHData.employeeId, Reason: Expecting object f...
I’m trying to understand the documentation for the Array function toObject.
It uses [‘zero’, ‘one’, ‘two’].toObject((x, index) => index, x => x.contains(‘two’)) as an example, which returns {“0”: false, “1”: false, “2”: true}.
What does the (x, index...
Part of my use case is that I need to ensure that all records are processed before I close the pipeline. The Bulk API is asynchronous and closes the snap when all the batches have been created, but before they are completely processed. The results of...
After some more experimentation, the Salesforce Poller snap keeps the pipeline open for the entire duration of the update and return individual successes and failure for each record. This is close enough to synchronous for my use cases.
Thank you. This was pretty close to the problem. If there is an error in a function called in mapValues, a null object is returned as the result of map values. My original error was from adding an or condition that would include keys which couldn't b...
The Diff snap evaluates based on the exact values in each column of the incoming records. If a record exists in the Original and New inputs, but has a different data type in a field, then it will be evaluated as a Modification. For example, if a valu...
The functionality to execute the macros is in the Excel program, not the workbook where the macros are stored. SnapLogic doesn’t have an engine to extract, compile, and execute the VBA code within the workbook.