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Hi @SL12345,
In the sample expression that I was writing, I was working on the sample with input as a string. Below is the sample that I was using.
"content": "1;2566;28.3.2023;28.3.2023;10;10;15;11;1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10;Eur;Euro;USD\n...
Hi @SL12345,
If you want to do this with expression then try this:
$content.split("\n").map(row => {row: row, lengthValuse:row.split(';')[8].split(',').length })
Viktor N.
Hi @vkandalam,
There is a function called:
For each id, it will return a number starting from 0(you need to add + 1 at the end) all the way to the last id.
the last id will contain the number of the total IDs. You can get the last...
Hi @patan,
The problem is occurring because you use brackets inside the function and try to access “comparator” with this keyword which not anymore refers to the root elements, but one scope above, which in this sample is the function scope.
Below is...