Welcome to our Inaugural Contest in the Integration Nation!

For this contest, we're going to focus on SnapGPT. We'd like to see what you've been able to do with generative integration, so we have 3 categories under which submissions will be considered:

  • Most Innovative Prompt
  • Most Useful Pipeline Created
  • Most Advanced Pipeline Created

    Because Integreat San Francisco is just a couple weeks away, we're going to make this extra special -- we will award a first, second, and third place prize in each category. And what might those prizes be? How about:

  • First place: $1000 USD
  • Second place: $500 USD
  • Third place: $250 USD

    Submissions will be accepted through Wednesday, September 27th, 5 PM PT .

    Judging will be conducted the last week of September, with the winners to be announced during Integreat San Francisco on October 3rd. Results will be posted here at 3:30 PM PT October 3rd. Click the tile below for more information.

  • Browse the Community

    To become a member of the Integration Nation, register here!
    How to Enter
  • Click on the Enter SnapGPT Contest tile to review the rules. Note: one entry per person.
  • Click the Entries tab for that category, then click Enter the contest.
  • Describe your submission. Include the prompt you sent to SnapGPT and screenshots of pipelines generated.