Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

Support Issue

Hi, I have sent multiple emails to but nobody bothers to respond. Could you confirm what it takes to get a response from you?

Read Expression File

Hi All, I have attached the expression file and I want to read the below from the file. Could you please suggest how to do it? Generic_Soap_WSDL_URL: ‘/idcws/GenericSoapPort?WSDL’, HCM_Flow_Service_WSDL_URL: ‘/hcmService/FlowActionsService?WSDL’, HCM...


Hi, I am trying to alter the primary key , but i am unable to do that. Can you please check my query and confirm , whether the syntax is correct or not as per snaplogic. Alter table snaplogic.tbl_audit_log drop primary key Alter table snaplogic.tbl_a...

Resolved! CSV Parsing Inputs

Hi All, I have a tab-separated CSV file with let us say 10, 000 records and I am using CSV parser snap to parse the file. The process works fine when there is no data issue but when there is a data issue the whole file fails. Could you suggest if the...

Merge multiple documents to an array in ultra pipeline

We need to merge multiple documents to single array and looking for help. Since it is ultra task, we are running out of options… Input data: [ {“Record”: “1”}, {“Record”: “2”}, {“Record”: “5”}, {“Record”: “4”}, {“Record”: “6”} ] Expected Output: [ “r...

thilkip by New Contributor
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