Designing and Running Pipelines
Discuss how to use the SnapLogic platform.
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Forum Posts

Enriching data in a pipeline

Hi folks, Suppose I wanted to enrich data, can you please tell me an approach you would use? For example: If my pipeline starts out with an input document containing information about a person (name, age, telephone, address, etc.), then suppose the a...

Snap to execute a Windows Command/Service

Hi everyone, I am working with a system on which I need to drop some data files into a Windows Server, and once the copy is done, I need to run a Batch command file / or run a Windows Service. Is there a way with Snap Logic, to inquire a Windows comm...

eric_sou by New Contributor III
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How to replace NULL value in Mapper

I have a file reader in my mapping. One of the column in the file contains NULL value. I am connection a mapper after the file reader. Is there any way to replace the NULL value with number? Tried using replace/replaceALL function but didn’t get the ...

sbhaskar85 by New Contributor II
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