Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

Mandatory Diff Snap Outputs

What is the reasoning for changing the Diff snap to require all 4 outputs? And what’s the best way to ignore the outputs you don’t want when creating a child pipeline and you need to “plug up” those outputs? I assume union them together and input the...

kmiesse by Contributor
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Diff snap "modified" output

Small question about the output from the Diff snap. From the documentation it’s the output of most are fairly clear: Insertion = The row from New that isn’t in OriginalDeletion = The row from Original that isn’t in NewModified = The rows from Origina...

roi6rieK by New Contributor
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Using Soap UI to call soap wsdl in snaplogic

Hi All, I’ve created a pipeline that accepts a soap call and returns appropriate information back. I can use Soap execute in snaplogic to call it and return the output. I can also use postman to call it with a post and get results. The problem is wit...

sdelano by New Contributor II
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REST Connectivity

Hi, Is their issue to connect with API through REST snap when that API is generated through webhook. I m unable to do so. If yes, can you please provide steps to connect with API through rest get

Exception handling in pipeline

Is there a way to handle exceptions across the pipeline. If we have 100 records streaming, we want to route any record that failed to a log file, and still process all the remaining records. Handling error in each snap looks very tedious, and I wante...

IgnatiusN by New Contributor II
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Can the File Writer snap output plain text?

It seems that the File Writer is only capable of outputting JSON to the file, and every write is on the same line. I would like to know if it is possible to write plain text to the file with every log is on a new line. Also, is this File Writer threa...

DSander by New Contributor II
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Append fields to a existing JSON

Hi, How do I append some hardcode json string into an exsting json document. For example, my Oracle select Snapl returns below as output [{“DEGREE_ID”:269,“DEGREE_NAME”:“1. Staatsexamen”}, {“DEGREE_ID”:270,“DEGREE_NAME”:“1. jur. Staatsexamen”}, {“DEG...