04-18-2018 03:31 AM
There is no unique id/field/column to select in the snap so that, we can update that particular record/row in the table.
04-23-2018 09:43 AM
You stated that you can’t see the empNo column in the mapper snap. It may be due to the permissions on the column for the user id you are using.
04-23-2018 12:57 PM
@GBekkanti, to use the Salesforce Update snap, you must have the Salesforce record “Id” present in the document. So your upstream snaps will need to capture the Id from Salesforce for the particular record(s) you want to update and pass the Id through to where you can include it in the Mapper before the update snap.
Here’s a simplistic example to increase all the Sales department by $5. Notice, only Id and Salary__c are required in the Mapper. Department__c is not required in the Mapper. (I did include it in the Read snap Output fields, but it wasn’t necessary unless you want to use a downstream Filter snap instead of the Read snap’s Where clause.)
Salesforce Read
Disclaimer: I mocked this up without testing, so please excuse any typos.
04-25-2018 02:45 AM
Thank You @del