05-04-2023 08:50 AM
I have a sql server bulk insert snap which have a varchar column in table. and i have a input document to this snap having this data 🙂
"• the ability to take part in daily activities "
when i am inserting this to that column in the table it is inserting as
" ò the ability to take part in daily activities "
so any reason why is this happening ,and any solution if possible so that the “bullet point” character get inserted to that particular column.
ps: I am able to insert that data manually in to the table
Any help appreciated
05-05-2023 05:57 AM
@ash42, sorry about my assumption. We run the BCP tool for SQL Server Bulk Load snap on Windows servers on groundplexes. I am not aware if there is an available option for Linux servers, thus my assumption. The path I provided is the standard install location and command-line path at the time I installed BCP on Windows a year or so ago.
Sorry, I must defer to someone who is familiar with the Linux uses for the snap.