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Pipeline output is un-predictable

New Contributor II

Pipeline shows accurate output after Script snap. However when we the output is loaded in lets say CSV file, it loads any random data

image%20(5) image%20(4) image%20(3)


I had a similar problem to what you described. Are you creating the document to put it in? If you are merely adding to the data coming into the snap, you don’t have to do anything. You can merely add the value. But if you are writing a different document out, it can create seemingly random data if you don’t first create a place to put it. I wrote this in python, but I ended up writing a line like:

new = java.util.HashMap()

new was the new document I was writing out. The document coming in was created by SnapLogic, and can simply be updated, so it isn’t so obvious, and isn’t a problem. Anyway, I did that, and the problem went away.