12-21-2023 06:05 PM
I've been reviewing the video https://www.snaplogic.com/resources/videos/using-snaplogic-meta-snaps-to-update-tasks which is "Using SnapLogic Meta Snaps to Update Tasks"
In 3:30 in the video, within the Mapper snap, there is an expression $original.path with a target path of $path.
What is the purpose of including that expression, since pass-through is selected? Shouldn't the $path already be going to the output anyways?
01-02-2024 07:40 AM
Hello @bradwyatt, thank you for joining our Community! You are correct, we do not need to explicitly map $original.path to $path in the Mapper Snap for the Pipeline to function. In that case we would need to change the SnapLogic Update Snap from $path to $original.path.
Here is the SnapLogic Update Snap from the original Pipeline in the recording:
And here is the Snap configuration we could use if we just relied on "Pass through" being enabled in the Mapper Snap: