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Routing Error Views


I have a pipeline that has a couple of Salesforce upsert snaps followed by Salesforce Poller ones.
Each of these Salesforce Poller snaps route error data to error view which calls an error pipeline.

When trying to test the error pipeline using a JSON generator snap, the pipeline is completed but there are no json/csv files containing the error records written to the error pipeline. Instead I can see in Salesforce there is a problem with the bulk load and see the issue highlighted in the pipeline statistics.

Here is my error pipeline:

Screen Shot 2021-10-05 at 11.52.32 AM
Screen Shot 2021-10-05 at 11.52.39 AM

Where should I focus/what steps do I need to take to pass the error records through successfully?


Thanks Spiro, just working through the mapper snap now on the error pipeline