02-05-2018 02:21 PM
Do you have any example of creating SSH Auth account to be used in file writer snap? Here is the error message - Please ensure private key is in OpenSSH key file format.
Any help is appreciated here.
02-05-2018 02:59 PM
02-05-2018 03:15 PM
Thanks, that is what I suspected. Let me do follow up with my IT team.
02-09-2018 10:35 AM
Sorry for asking a question in your thread but I am trying to enable SSH Tunneling in MySQL Account. I have host name, username and a private rsa key (want to use as key-file). I have tried various options like using rsa private key directly and .pem key. Nothing is working, any suggestion will be highly appreciated.
02-09-2018 12:00 PM
Currently we aren’t using MYSQL in our project. but do you think you don’t have enough information in this link - https://docs-snaplogic.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SD/pages/1438790/MySQL+Account
02-09-2018 02:30 PM
Thanks @Ksivagurunathan for the link and Yeah I have already been through that information but it doesn’t relate to rsa private key. I just have rsa private key to enable this tunnel. I am able to make this tunnel using puTTY by creating a private key in .ppk format using given rsa private key with help of puTTYgen. It’s just I am trying to figure out any way of doing it through MySQL account in SnapLogic.