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Hi Team, I developing custom snap. I am using account type is custom. so now i am written my logic and deployed to snapLogic now i am getting error like below. "Unable to load account defin...
...eturns null. I can use $.hasPath("['/position/field_7424425'].value") to check if it exists and it correctly returns true/false so can use a ternary operator but would prefer to use .get if p...
The Directory Browser returns nothing when the specific file name cannot be found. So, how can I check if the file is found in the next snap like Router. I tried some ways like: $ == null or .get but...
Hi Team,
when i am creating project for developing custom snap, i am not able to select maven archetype.
even "" th...
Maven is unable to retrieve project. Command:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=
I was just wondering if it is possible to “dynamically” change the settings tab of a custom snap. What I mean by this is to dynamically change one field by changing some other field. For exa...
I am developing a custom snap and I would like to know if it’s possible to add more default rows to a table. For example the Mapper snap has one default row when we open it.
I want so...