11-29-2018 11:14 AM
Submitted by @stodoroska from Interworks
The pipeline Error.Routine is collecting the error data and depending on the Error.Log parameters, these errors are logged into SQL Server database table and/or JSON file is created at some FTP location.
Parameters are configured for the parent and child pipelines. If the parameter used in the Filter Snap is set to logEnabled==‘true’, we are logging the error data, but if the parameter is logEnabled==‘false’, we are not processing further error data.
Sources: Error data that is coming from Snap error view
Targets: SQL Server table and/or a JSON file in File share system; email
Snaps used: REST Get, Filter, Mapper, Pipeline execute, Router, SQL Server execute, JSON Formatter, File writer, Union, E-mail sender
Error.Routine.slp (7.3 KB)
Error.Log.slp (14.9 KB)