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AS we have ELT SCD2 SNAPS ,SNOWFLAKE SCD2 TO implement scd2 type but for azure we do not have azure scd type 2

New Contributor

AS we have ELT SCD2 SNAPS ,SNOWFLAKE SCD2 TO implement scd2 type but for azure we do not have azure scd type 2 .
Any way to include azure scd 2 snap in snaplogic


Former Employee

There is extensive SCD2 support built into the ELT snaps which support Azure Synapse. If you use the ELT snaps you will want to load the raw data into a staging table that is used as the source for the SCD2 input. The ELT snaps do not move data instead they execute SQL within the CDW, Synapse in this case, allowing them to be extremely efficient. Performance often needs to be considered when implementing a SCD2 solutions which in some cases requires confirming unique primary keys for current rows within a large table.