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A Simple program which is running fine in idle. I am trying to call the file in snaplogic, it is failing again and again . Please let me know hoe to call this in snaplogic . a = 5 y = 6 z = 5 + 6 with open (“new1.txt”,‘w’)as f: f.write(str(z))
Hi Snaplogic team, I am trying to call python script (using pandas library) in snaplogic. Python script is working fine from python idle . When I am calling it using snaplogic , it is showing error.does it require any installation. Kindly reply ASAP ...
Mapplet is a resusable component in IDQ in which we can pass generic fields to check the same condition for different fields. Suppose I want to make a generic mapping ( checking fields for Nullability and produce valid or invalid flag). Input fields ...
Hi All, I am trying to read a json file (attached). Wanted the results in the format attached in jpg. Attached Practive.json and the pipeline on which i m trying. Practice_Json_Try_2018_04_25.slp (4.0 KB) . (319 Bytes)