User Activity

Error handling procedure is falling over internally and then trying to send error messages about itself, thus creating a loop, what can be done with the sender address or not to get this many alerts? The error message we get is as follows: { “logid”:...
I am trying to get how much Machine memory is used (memory and CPU) average per day, but from the API I am getting the results in decimal numbers. My question is what format are the numbers in bytes, kilobytes… etc. or percentages as I need to compa...
Triggered error pipeline sends mails nonstop after a failure in Ultra pipeline. Bellow is my design of the error pipeline. I work with xml files being received in the Ultra pipeline and when some fail occurs error pipeline in triggered, but for 1 fi...
I have ultra task triggered by a pipeline that executes all of the time. I want to get the average “duration” of pipeline executions from the dashboard executions for the past 7 days (1 week duration), but when I try to do that from the Rest Get I ge...
I’m getting data out of a REST call and I need to check whether or not a certain entry is present or missing. My list of needed entries consists of, example: String1, String2, String3, String4. If only the the first three are present, how do I print ...