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I have a JSON that has Associate IDs and Attachment IDs. I want to sequence the duplicate attachment IDs for each associate starting with the second duplicate ID, something like '-1', '-2',...Please refer to the sample INPUT and OUTPUT JSONS attached...
I am facing a weird problem with the Join snap. It looks like the path I provide in the Left Path property is reading documents from the Right input view even though the right input view is correctly set to input1.Similarly, the path I use on the Rig...
I have an array of the following form:I want to convert this array of objects into a single object that has the same fields along with Debit_Amount and Credit_Amount fields summed up.Any help is appreciated!
Whenever I create or edit an account asset, I get the following error:ResizeObserver loop completed with undelivered notifications. I also observe another issue where I am trying to read an excel file but it is being read as an text/html content. Any...
Just to be double sure, I connected the routers output0 to join input0 and I still see the same errors. Either there is something wrong with the Join Snap or I am missing something.