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Outside Community

Former Employee

Continuing the discussion from Stackoverflow – Snaplogic tag created:

@dmiller @cstewart

I have a strong feeling that no posts should be entertained outside of our community. We should keep our platform tightly knit so that any information is not available easily outside publicly.

If posts and solutions are allowed outside, it would become polluted.

There would be opponents to this idea who believe in widespread message in the internet world from marketing point of view but there is marketing to handle that.

One example I would give is Oracle and Workday.

Oracle - you can find anything out there on Google.

Workday - Good luck if you find any relevant posting to its technology or even mere discussion of its platform publicly. They only expose information through their community.

Whereas our documentation is public, Workday documentation is not. Its only available to its customers/partners.

Just my two cents on it.


Former Employee

He posted his question there first, then a day later posted it in the Community.

We can’t stop customers from posting elsewhere and I had asked Dev to respond to Community instead of Stack Overflow; Robin just got to it first in Stack Overflow.

Diane Miller

Contributor III

@nganapathiraju, Stack Overflow has saved my tail hundreds of times over the years for several development issues in multiple technologies… No doubt, this forum is the best avenue for SnapLogic help, but SnapLogic might appreciate a little free publicity as a valuable iPaaS solution at Stack Overflow. One primary thing I like about Stack Overflow is their vote feature that validates solutions. I usually don’t look below the publicly-validated solution.

Personally, I dislike Workday’s approach, mainly because their search capabilities are limited. But I get your “pollution” point. Also, I understand you don’t want to be monitoring dozens of forums. So, the SnapLogic account managers need to continue to evangelize this as an official support forum and you guys need to occasionally check, and redirect external forum posts to this forum. @dmiller is correct in that you can’t “stop customers from posting elsewhere”, but I think there’s something you can do to redirect most to the right place…


Having a presence in Stack Overflow is a good thing for SnapLogic.

I don’t agree with the comment: “We should keep our platform tightly knit so that any information is not available easily outside publicly”.
As long as it is a technical question, Stack Overflow is a good platform to be used and we shouldn’t be discouraging our customers from going there.

As far as the question of monitoring the questions, any person who is knowledgable on the SnapLogic platform can answer the question. If a duplicate question is posted on the community, we can point to the Stack Overflow link and vice versa.

Former Employee

As I believe this was meant to be a private message, not a post, I will be closing this thread.

Diane Miller