Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

Wrong output of Script

I tried running a script but after few rows, the data from different column started to show. For example, I tried loading data in column index 114. It is showing correct data till almost half number of rows but after that it is showing data of column...

abhinavjha by New Contributor II
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Multiple Date Format Change

Hi There, I have multiple mappers with multiple date columns in YYYY-MM-DD format, within each mapper which I have to convert into the Oracle database data format. As of now, I am using expression distinctly on each and every column in mappers but th...

Multi child xml to csv help required

HI, I have an xml file that has multiple child arrays within it. I’m struggling to get it into a flat format for export to csv, could someone spread a little snap love on this and help xml looks like this <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <FLE...

bourner by New Contributor
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Resolved! Copy Snap or Router Snap

Hi, I have an output coming out of a snap like A_20052022, B_20052022, C_20052022. How I can write three different files using these values? Can I use a copy snap or router snap?

Resolved! Handling Multiple 'null values

I am currently having this requirement where i need to handle all the null values coming in input. The common thing i noticed that all these values end with ‘_DATE’ but this is coming in an object. for all the null values, i need to pass value ‘0000-...