Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

Resolved! CSV to XML with repetitive xml nodes

Hi, I’m trying to create a pipeline which suppose to create an xml file out of a CSV file. CSV file looks like - |ProductCode|ProductName|Price|Country| |A001|DellLaptop|$400|US| |A001|DellLaptop|$500|AU| |A001|DellLaptop|$550|EU| XML output should b...

Pipeline Updates

How and when does snaplogic determine when to finally update the pipelines to the latest version. I continually get this error when debugging from the dashboard that the pipeline is out of date and it is showing the one as it was when it last ran… Th...

jcornelius by New Contributor III
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Assign xml element value and attribute

Hi, I’m trying to assign xml node attribute and its value from a mapper snap. Below is the sintex: $Invoice.cac:AccountingSupplierParty.cac:Party.cbc:EndpointID.@schemeID == “Attribute Value” $Invoice.cac:AccountingSupplierParty.cac:Party.cbc:Endpoin...

Read Access key from Azure Key vault

Hi, Is there any way to connect to Azure key vault and read access key information from there? I have requirement to that keys are going to be roated frequently and keys are going to be stored in Azure key vault. So I wanted to read recent access key...