Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

GroupN - Failing for a specific case

We query DB (collects the events generated by Parent system) and grouping the records based on field “Type”. Using GroupN, I get all the records for that particular type. Using this list of recordValues, we retrieve rest of the information from Paren...

rajendraj by New Contributor II
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Array functions

Is there a way to delete the first entry in an array if the length of the array is more than 1. if the JSON looks like this: { “content”: { “type”: “SHOP_ITEMS”, “uris”: [ “Groceries”, “Cleaning Products”, “Household Items” ] } } I want the final out...

rajendraj by New Contributor II
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Resolved! Transpose column into row csv file

I have a pipeline that reads two csv files from different servers, i want to put together the data of both csv files into one. I used a union snap to put the data together but if one server is down it’s only going to bring me the data of only one ser...

Creation of PDF files

Hello, I have a requirement of reading incremental data from source database and apply required transformation and create target files in PDF format. Has anyone implemented any pipeline and generated PDF file as target. Thank You,

Majid by New Contributor III
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