Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

How to Split using Regex expression

Hi, I need some help on spliting the user name on basis of Regex expression.My user Name is an combination of mutliple users and i cant use comma to split them. so, i tried regular expression and which is working good on DB level and planned to imple...

Converting JSON to HTML Table for Email Snap

Hello. Let’s say I have JSON like the following: [ { “OwnerName”: “Mike Waltz”, “OwnerEmail”: “”, “LeadName”: “John Doe”, “LastModifiedDate”: “2017-10-05T13:43:39.000+0000” }, { “OwnerName”: “Mike Waltz”, “OwnerEmail”: “mwaltz@t...

Task Execute Timing out

Hi, We are using the cloudplex version of Snaplogic. We have a pipeline built that downloads a very large weather data set. We had to build the pipeline to execute in “batches” using the Task Execute snap because the 100mm row+ download files up th...

chthroop by New Contributor III
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JSON Formatting

Hello Experts, Input :- { “column”: [ { “name”: “firstName” }, { “name”: “lastName” }, { “name”: “middleName” } ], “content”: [ [ “aa”, “bb”, “cc” ], [ “dd”, “ee”, “ff” ], [ “oo”, “pp”, “qq” ] ] } Output :- { “data”: [ { “firstName”: “aa”, “lastName”...