Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

Deployment Architecture

We are in the process of implementing SnapLogic and I wanted to reach out to the community to find out if you could share some information on how your setup your environment. This is in terms of Project Spaces, Groups, Migrations to QA/Prod, etc. We ...

Jaepaek by New Contributor
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Recursive directory browsing

I am trying to implement following linux command and moving those files in each directory to s3. Could anyone help me with this? find . -mmin +60 -type f -not -path ‘*/.*’ I have tried pipeline as below but it doesn’t seem recursively browsing direct...

XSD having Reference to another XSD

Hi All. I am facing an issue with XML Parser(Validdation Against XSD) as My XSD have some Include Statements which again refer some XSD’s. I have changed path and Uplaoded all in SLDB still getting Errors. Any one face same kind of issue. Please help...

Triggered Task using cURL

Hello, I am calling a Triggered Task (which does a ETL process) using a cURL command from a Shell script. Based on the output from the shell script, I would trigger the next process or exit with failure. I am using the following in the shell script. ...