Designing and Running Pipelines
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SOAP UI attachments

SOAP UI to export Oracle BIEE application reports: using below URL. https://Host/analytics/saw.dll/WSDL/v12 service name: {urn://}AnalysisExportViewsService operation: {urn://}initiateAnalysisExport T...

Counting Empty Sets

Hi All, I’m looking to build a simple pipeline which can count the number of files in a directory, I have used the ‘Directory Browser’ Snap and ‘Aggregate’ snap (Count Function) and this works well. however I am struggling to get any output when ther...

ksalem by New Contributor II
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Microsoft Exchange Integration

Has anyone successfully been able to use the MSExchange snap packs? I have been trying to use the Exchange Read snap and the documentation seems to be missing some information. I keep getting an error “The SMTP address has no mailbox associated with ...

Issue in XML transformation

Hi Team, I am trying to do some XML transformation and I’m stuck. Here goes the problem description. I have uploaded one xml file with .txt extention and uploading .xml file is not allowed. I have masked data! Subhasree.txt (1.7 KB) In this file, we ...

Subhasree by New Contributor
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Wild Card at end of variable - parameter

I am using a delete file snap and would like to delete all files that start with a name stored in a parameter. Ex. controlfile1.json // controlfile2.csv How would I put a wildcard at the end of the parameter? _parameter1 (what goes here?)

jhagist by New Contributor III
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Comparing pipelines across projects

We are developing a number of pipelines to be published within a Pattern project, to be used by our clients to drive their integrations. We have a “reference implementation” project space with a project per product version. In our SnapLogic organiza...

omair by Contributor
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