Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

UNIX Execute account setup

I want to execute unix script using UNIX Execute snap… For that I need to setup an account. So Can anyone please tell me, what would be the Host name, is this Snaplogic server name? or DEV unix server detail? Thanks,

Citizen Integrator Solution?

Hello all, We’re in the process of on-boarding our first Citizen Integrator in the SnapLogic Platform. We’ve previously federated the development of production integrations to LOB developers, but the Citizen Integrator has a different set of requirem...

brettdorsey by New Contributor III
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Twitter oauth1 authorization problem

Unable to authorize an account with twitter oauth1. Every time I click on authorize I am taken to this message from twitter " Whoa there! There is no request token for this page. That’s the special key we need from applications asking to use your Twi...

aayush by New Contributor
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JSON Generation using JSON Generator

Hi All, I need the below structure for creating a Tree structure in Javascript, When i execute the below structure using JSON generator (Edit JSON) am not getting any output neither error [{ “text”: “Years”, "nodes": [{ "text": $year, "nodes": [...

Aravind711 by New Contributor II
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